Tuesday, 25 November 2014


  1. Had a stellar day hitting the absolute apex of wildlife watching at Punta Vicente Roca.  Had a quick dip with a rare FLIGHTLESS CORMORANT.  Oh what a thrill to witness this streak of lightning above and below the water.  Event occurred on November 23.

Here's hoping that I can find it on You Tube.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

November 19, 2014, end of day......finished the day of adventuring kayaking in the bay.   We went to meet our guide.  We expected a National Parks Guide in full uniform.  We got Victor's ( from Lonesome George Adventure Travel) son and his friend.  The equipment looked suspect. Muriel and 21 year old Erin hopped in a small double kayak.  Daniel and I each had a small single.  The boys brought gatorade and snacks.  Off we went to Angermyer Point and thence the wider open ocean.  We saw sea lions basking on back ends of boats, bright orange sally crabs hugging the cliffside with iguanas resting on the tops of cliffs.

Blue footed boobies were buzzing the bay.  There were a lot of them in flight and also resting on rocks.  We saw pelicans, noddys and many frigate birds.

We came back towards shore and headed up a small estuary.  By this time we were just chewing the fat with the fellows learning about their education and the scope of their lives in Galapagos.  These boys feel fortunate to be in this paradise.

We also discovered the Galapagos Deli.  This is a must visit for travellers to this part of the worls

Wednesday, November 19

So far a super day.  The finches came to breakfast and then we went to the Darwin Research Station.  So far a good beginning to Muriel's trip.  We learned/reviewed much about the ecology and species of the Galapagos. Unfortunately the Darwin display is being rebuilt.

Last night at dinner the retired ladies from the Darwin Research Station joined us for dinner.  In conversation we discovered that the girls knew my good friend on Isabela Jim Hinkle.  They were pals with him in the late 70's here at Puerto Ayora.

We have made it to the Galapagos Deli and then the main street for a super $4.00 set menue.

We have also made plans to go kayaking in the bay this afternoon.

Too be continued with pictures.


Monday, 17 November 2014

I finally got it, I think.  This post is in memory of my darling daughter who passed away on November 18, 2007.  Video was created by Laurel and her groom Colin for their wedding in 2006.  Thank you, Laurel.

Yesterday, Nov. 16 I made the return speedboat trip to Santa Cruz.  It was quite a smooth trip.  Before leaving Isabella I did some visiting at the Booby Trap Cafe. I had Laurel and Colin performing in their wedding gift video of Dance, Dance, Dance on my computer. No one thought I was nuts as I sat there and cried.  It felt good.  Emotional expression is so much more accepted here than  North America.

I had dinner last night with Lisa Cho.  She is the travel writer that I now know well.  In a small way I will team up with her to add some info into her new travel guide for Moon on the Galapagos.

It was good to discuss ideas for the book and also for my wanabe documentary.

My collection of photo and video material is increasing by leaps and bounds. Fabrizio contributed his collection of Manta Rays.  Roberto photographed 14 killer whales of the coast of southern Isabela yesterday.  His daughter will send the picture files.

Muriel arrives tomorrow.  The cruise that we are taking to the western extreamity of Galapagos sounds amazing.   Stay tuned.

Saturday, 15 November 2014

The journey goes on and on and I am loving it.

Can't seem to get a continuous stream of pictures going so I will do it "my way".
Pics include trip to tunel, snorkelling in local bay.  I will try to get videos on youtube and then transfer to blog

We truly were seeing eyeball to eyeball

The adventure continues.  I went by speedboat to Isabela.  I met a terrific young man from Holland on the journey.  I found a super place to stay on top of the Beta Bar.  I had a super day in the unique and gorgeous tunnels.  6 AM snorkeling at Conche Pearla was also pretty terrific.

A little pampering in PA
The beautiful egret that joined us for dinner

Darwin's finches join me for breakfast every morning.  The grey is female and black is male
Elizabeth and Kathryn are my favourite Galapagos scientists referring to the Darwin Research Centre as "The Station"

Paulo singlehandedly got my wallet back for me by calling every friend and company in Puerto Ayora

A gentleman from the Ecuadorian navy kept the peace at the fish market

This gal hosed the floor, cleaned the fish and kept human and other animals at bay

I am trying to publish a video made yesterday morning when Frank Jim and I went snorkelling off of the pier on Isabela.  At first we were playing with the sealions.  Then this particular seemed to be doing a bit more that playing with Jim.  I asked Jim why he didn't take his hand out and he said that he could not manage this.

Friday, 14 November 2014

Today the turtles are still mating.!  The sea horse had babies.  Galapagos lobster escaping the net.  Sharks are still cruising.

The rays are still swimming gracefully!


I am well into my current Galapagos Adventure and I am savouring every hour of every day.  The beauty is still here.  The animals are still here.  The people are still wonderful.  The animals are both marine and land species.  The people are both local residents and fellow travellers.  I share the adventure with animals and people alike.  Frank from Holland provided several videos.  Octay from Australia used my gopro and I used my marvelous new Olympus.

Wed., November 5 I started a very long journey at 11:15 PM at Seatac. (Nino had driven me there to avoid one of many few hour waits.  I had three flights before I landed in Ecuador. I waited a few hours in the beautiful new Quito airport and then caught my flight to Baltra, Galapagos.

It was about 11 AM when I arrived at my first destination Puerto Ayora and the wonderful b and b La Peregrina near Sarah Darling's lovely art shop and across from the fish market.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014


I am in the water actively a part of filming all of these sharks at the Tuneles off the coast of Isabela.  It is a collection of several videos.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014


This will be a return trip to Galapagos.  I will be returning to some favourite spots but I will be going to some new territory as well.