Friday 5 February 2016


Friday, Feb. 5, 2016

I am firmly launched on creating my documentary on the Galapagos Islands.  I have excellent editing help and lots of support.  Several of my Galapagos colleagues have contributed footage and pictures.  I am thrilled beyond words by the beautiful images I have received.   I hope that the final product will be ready to share by late Spring.   Until then have a look at some of the great images I will post on my blog!

The pinkest of flamingos occur because they eat the pinkest shrimp in lagoons on Galapagos Islands 

Giant tortoises can be found with heads outstretched or with heads tucked well away in shells

My friend, Amy visits with a few tortoises 

The galapagos is home to varied iguanas.  They come in many shapes and sizes and even colours.  My friend Angie has this guy photographically nailed.